
Righteousness defined by acts of compassion, not cold-hearted ritual observance

I was reading David's flight and Saul's revenge (1 Samuel 21-22) this morning where we see how the priest showed kindness to David and his men. Jesus mentions this event directly in Matthew 12:1-8 and combines it with the principle of "Mercy, not sacrifice (Micah 6:8)". Last night I did a podcast with Working for our father and highlighted some experiences I've with sharing my faith at work and hearing about other people's faiths as well. Sharing our faith with people according to their needs is an act of kindness.

Over the past few weeks, I've been meditating on Ephesians 4:29
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." NIV

When we focus on other people's needs, we are able to use our words to build them up. The success criteria, "it may benefit those who listen." Jesus practice this principle when talking with the devil who was trying to trap him, he conversed with him with the truth of God's word Matthew 4:4. He also rebuked others whom he loved deeply including Peter, the people of Jerusalem and religious leaders. But he did so in a way that was wholesome, helpful for building them up and according to their needs.

Prayer: Let my words be compassionate and wholesome, that they may benefit those who listen.

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