
God gives grace to be successful to fulfill the covenant (Deut 8:1-18)

Deut 8:1-18;psalm 49:16-20;1 john 3:15-20;ecc 2:3-11

Be careful to obey all the commands, then live and multiply
 - Lord's promise
 - Lord your God led you (through wilderness 40 years)
     * humbled and tested to prove your character
Am I ready to obey?
 - Lord let me be hungry, then feeds me with manna
Thank you, Lord, for taking care of me (Deut 8:4) because you love us like a father disciplines his child (Deut 8:5, Heb 12)
 - to teach me to live not by bread alone but every word that comes from the Lord (Matt 4:4, Deut 8:3)
As with Jesus, it can be 40 days or with Israel 40 years (Matthew 4:1-2, Deut 8:2)

When Jesus was tempted to take a headline-grabbing leap from the temple, he responded by going back deeper into scripture, You must not test the Lord your God  (Deut 6:16).

What does it mean to obey?
 - by walking in his ways and fearing him
 - Lord your God IS BRINGING YOU into a good land (water, farms, plentiful, rich natural resources to mine)
 - THEN be sure to praise the Lord your God for the good land HE HAS GIVEN YOU
 - In riches, remember, be careful, beware not to forget the Lord your God and disobey

How to be careful not to disobey when I'm rich?
 - Do not become proud, it was God who rescued me from slavery
 - He led me through the great and terrifying wilderness, snakes and scorpions
 - I was nearly dead, but he gave water from the rock (John 4), Jesus teaches about Living Water at Festival of Tabernacles!
 - He humbles me, tests me for my own good
 - Never say I'm rich by my doing, God has given me everything to fulfill his confirmed covenant

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