
Love is our nature when we believe and accept Jesus

Reading Be Real (1 John): Turning from Hypocrisy to Truth
But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12

Love for the brethren is proof of fellowship with God (1 John 2:7-11)
Love is proof of sonship (1 John 3:10-14)

This is true because God is Love (1 John 4:7-16)
 - His very nature is love, if we are united to God through faith in Christ, we share His nature. Since his nature is love, love is the test of the reality of our spiritual life.
 - A navigator depends on a compass to help him determine his course. But why a compass? Because it shows him his directions. And why does the compass point north? Because it is so constituted that it responds to the magnetic field that is part of the earth's makeup. The compass is responsive to the nature of the earth.
 - A person who knows God and has been born of God will respond to God's nature. As a compass naturally points north, a believer will naturally practice love because love is the nature of God. This love will not be a forced response; it will be a natural response. A believer's love for the brethren will be proof of his sonship and fellowship.

God is spirit (John 4:24), God is light (1 John 1:5) and God is love (1 John 4:7-8)

This made me want to see where else the Bible says "God is". Look at this gospel progression in Deuteronomy:

  • Sovereign Lord, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do? Deuteronomy 3:24
  • What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him? Deuteronomy 4:7
  • For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. Deuteronomy 4:24
  • For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your ancestors, which he confirmed to them by oath. Deuteronomy 4:31
  • Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. Deuteronomy 7:9
  • But be assured today that the Lord your God is the one who goes across ahead of you like a devouring fire. He will destroy them; he will subdue them before you. And you will drive them out and annihilate them quickly, as the Lord has promised you. Deut 9:3

Because of what God has done in Jesus Christ we now have God's nature to do what is right and pleasing to him. This is the good news, we can repent or as the scripture says later, circumcise your heart. What pleasings it is to know the Incommunicable (natural) and Communicable (character) Attributes of God.

Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the Lord your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people. - Deuteronomy 9:6

  • Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and stiffen your necks no more. Deut 9:13
  • Repentance is a pure Gospel grace
  • Therefore, tell the house of Israel that this is what the Lord GOD says: 'It is not for your sake that I will act, O house of Israel, but for My holy name, which you profaned among the nations to which you went. - Ezekiel 36:22

I love how art can share truths of the gospel in our time and was brought to these memories:
Heavenly trinity, DNA of eternal life and humanity's only hope (Dali painting)
Who are the people of God
Loving obedience will characterize those who belong to God

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