
Unstoppable: Resurrected Jesus taught them about the kingdom of God

Holy Holy Holy

The first year, multi-year, new role. Support the next group of leaders
Acts 1:1-11, doing things on our own doesn't work very well.

Resurrected Jesus taught them about the kingdom of God, he opened their hearts and minds. I believe this impacted the accounts written in the gospels. I receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon me, to be Jesus witnesses, telling people about Him everywhere.
Luke 24:45

Acts 4:13, People see our courage, yet ordinary unschooled men and take note that we've been with Jesus. I'm an "unremarkable guy" yet God has called me to do remarkable things.

Our classes are not a meeting, they are a place people can see God at work
 - What do you see as Gods' desire and design for your leadership?
My relationship with Jesus to impact every other relationship.

 - What is unique about your community, and how might God want your class to intersect with it?
Invite younger people into a relationship with Jesus and with us.

Acts 5:41-42, 2:41-42, 4:4, 10:39-43
 - personal refreshment despite hardship, boldness for Jesus
 - spiritual and physical growth
 - Revival to sweep our nation
 - Spirit units his church

Doctor Bryan Charter, Board of Directors of BSF
Unstoppable church: Purpose, Problem, Perseverance
 - Purpose: Called out ones, Harrold - good news. Receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:18-20. Authority to make disciples, teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded in the power of the Holy Spirit.
 - the church is birth, we are the body of Christ.
 - devoted to the apostles teaching

The problem of sin: Acts 5, judgment and fear. sin must be addressed in our local congregations.
 - Acts 6, disunity, complaints, racial issues. disunity cannot be tolerated. Address it and correct it.
 - Legalism shows up. Extra requirements as an effort of unity.
 - Acts 12-13, Persecution from preaching Jesus. Jail, beatings. 1 Cor 11 in danger all around
 - "You cannot preach the name of Jesus"

Perseverance: progress reports throughout acts
 - numbers added daily
 - word is preached
 - miracles happen

Problems propel the church in God's direction. As we heard about the problems I was reminded about the plagues of Egypt.

Mark Baily, BSF board member
Proclaiming the truth in a compromising culture
Burden: WE need a generation of Christians who have a troubled spirit, willing to engage a conflicted culture with truth in spite of a range of responses.

Acts 17:16 "his spirit was being provoked within him"
 - he had eyes to see and a heart to understand

He engaged, as he said "I believed God so I spoke"
 - Acts 17:17-18, apologists handles objections to Christianity and enables people to see the full wonder of Salvation, gifts, and glory of God. Helping people who may recognize the words but not the reality.

Hedonistic = less pain, more pleasure
Stoic = "Whatever will be will be" - i.e. "what-evs"

We've become a culture of "consumer of beliefs" where beliefs merchandise for people to pick up

Atheism, pluralism. Acceptable but it's mutually exclusive yet currently acceptable.

Christianity is exclusive and at enmity with other philosophies
 - no other name but the name of Jesus

Some people worship in ignorance a "higher power" but we can help them understand our holy, creator God and Lord of all Acts 17:22-34
 - Today is the day of salvation Heb 4
 - everybody, everywhere - repentance is urgent, Jesus is the judge (Acts 17:31).
Dionysius, the guy on Mars hill (Acts 17:34).

Susie Rowen, BSF director
60 years ago. From 1 person with 5 others.
Founding-era 1959-1980
 - Tech printing machines
 - Men, pre-school
Global growth, 1981-2000
 - 23 countries added
 - Call to prayer for leaders, established in capital cities around the world
Stability Era, 2000-2009
 - more than 1,000 classes, website
 - 8 more countries added
People over procedure era, 2009-2015
 - Satellite groups
 - 13 more countries
 - double growth
Bridge era, expansion 2016-2021
 - Online groups, new websites
 - shorter classes
 - conversational
 - wordgo mobile app
 - totally open to all countries online
1 Cor 9:22, all things to all people in order to save some.
 - get on the level less familiar with the Bible
 - reach younger adults and kids so they engage with God through his word

Spirit-empowered Leadership. Holy, distinctive, loving welcoming.
Strategic prayer, "come hungry" - realize your hungry. When I was a smoker I mistook my hunger for food with the desire to smoke. Our world is like this, we are hungry but eating the world and devil's garbage, junk food.
 - Pray for God to bring hungry people every week
Strategic stability,  pause, solidify changes. Get better at hospitality. Discussion deep in the word of God rather than just giving the answer.
Strategic mission, single focus on serving God in the Spirits power.
 - How do we remain in-depth when younger people's learning style is changing? We'll get it out in every way we can.
 - Stay in God's word, mirror a lifestyle. Be Bereans that serve Corinthians.

Get down on the floor to reach the little ones.


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