
Conformance to the world has dire consequences

When facing pressure to conform to the patterns of this world (godlessness). We are more than concurring because God is fighting on our behalf.
- The battle is in our minds and hearts
- We must always filter our words, thoughts, actions and passions through the word of God
- We must always remember, appreciate and teach what God has done for us so we and generations after us.
6 truths about Conformance to the world:
1. Starts with illogical justification (1 Sam 7:1-8:22)
- An end that is Biblical, by means that is countra-Biblical. Like living together before getting married.
- or a means that is Biblical leading to an end that is contra-Biblical. Doing ministry that is void of relationship.
2. Is a gradual process
- cost more than we want to pay, keeps you longer than we want to stay.
- we have the opportunity right now to repent and be baptized (washed clean)
3. Will cost us more than we want to pay
- Warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.” - 1 Samuel 8:9 NIV
- the king will take everything (1 Sam 8:10-18)
- But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. - 1 Samuel 8:19 NIV
4. Conformance to the world eventually brings rejection of God's truth
5. Conformance to the world makes us forgetful and unappreciative of God's greatness
6. Conformance to the world makes us victims of our own folly.

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