
Indwelling Holy Spirit empowers loving witness to Jesus

Indwelling Holy Spirit empowers our lives with love as a witness to Jesus
Acts 1:4-8;Romans 8:9, 14-16; 2 Corinthians 1:21-22; Galatians 5:22-23

Jesus left to send the promised Holy Spirit, and prepare a place for us. We believe he'll return as we've received the Holy Spirit and are changed.
Acts 1:4-11, John 14:1-3, 16-18; 16:12-15

What comfort and assurance might the apostles have received through the promises of this passage?
Resurrected Jesus giving instructions must have been awesome. When he was like people recognized his authority but now they respected his authority over their lives wholeheartedly. What shall I do Lord? How long do I wait upon the Lord? How well do I listen and obey?

Review Acts 1. How has this week’s study impacted your thinking and trust in the Lord’s will and timing?
 My commitment made to the Lord in prayer matters the most for everything else in my life. 

The Holy Spirit empowers joyful obedience.  There is a continual in-filling. We receive grace power through faith.

Only the Holy Spirit transforms our work into eternal Spiritual "fruit"

What makes me aware of doing work on my own strength. 

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