
Faith, Hope, and Love last forever but the greatest is Love (1 Cor 13:13)

Verbs of love, regarding people (in relationship) to win people: patient, long-suffering, kind, active good-will,
  • Love doesn't have these attitudes and mannerisms: not envious (desire for or against), not boasting (boasting in what someone can't have), not arrogant (proud people don't listen), not rude (good manors, please and thank you), not a bully, not irritable, not grouchy, not holding grudges, not keeping score
  • Love is true and truthful, bears all things, not joyful in catching people
  • Love believes the best in people, favorable outcomes, hopes all things, keeps on hoping after faith. Love is optimistic.
  • Love endures all things. It's a stronghold. Refuse to stop loving. Love is tenacious, has grit -Bulletproof.
  • Love leads to effective ministry.
  • Love should inform every gift and relationship

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