
Jesus is God's Son prophesied and confirmed at his ascension to the Father (Hebrews 1)

Hebrews 1
I wonder if "Father God" is recognized for Jews and Muslims. I'll have to ask my friends about this.

A) Supremacy and attributes of Jesus (Heb 1:1-4)
1) God spoke through prophets, now by his Son
1-2) God's son, heir, through him the universe was made
3) Son radiance of God's glory, the exact representation of God, sustaining all by his powerful word,
 - provided purification for sins
 - st down at right hand of Majesty in heaven
4) He and his name inherited is superior to angels
 - Eph 1:21, Philippians 2:9,10, Heb 8:6
Application: encourage - he had an inheritance waiting for him; comfort - I can look to Jesus to see God; challenge - words are powerful and give life or death

B) Jesus superior to angels (Heb 1:5-14)
5-6) Son/Father (Psalm 2:7, 2 Samuel 7:14; 1 Chron. 17:13), firstborn (John 3:16, Col 1:18) let all angels worship him (Deut 32:43),
7-9) Maker of angels spirits, servants flames (Psalm 104:4) but Son throne lasts forever (Luke 1:33), justice, righteousness, exalted (Phil 2:9), anointed with joy (Psalm 45:6,7)
10-12) In beginning made mankind rulers (Psalm 8:6, Zech 12:1), but created things wear out but God remains (Isaiah 34:4, 51:6, Heb 12:27)
13-14) Jesus the only one God said, sit at my right hand (Heb 1:3, Mark 16:19), your enemies are footstools (Josh 10:24, Heb 10:13, Psalm 110:1, Matt 22:44), Angels minister (Psalm 91:11, 103:20, Dan 7:10) sent to serve those who inherit (Matt 25:34, Mark 10:17, Acts 20:32), salvation (Romans 11:14, Heb 2:3, 5:9, 9:28)

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