
Make sure your love is right (1 John 2:17)

I have set my heart on you
Your name is a strong and mighty tower

Don't love the world  - 1 John 2:15-17
 - Desire of physical pleasure, eyes that crave, and pride of achievement. These come from the world, not the Father. 

Rather, desire what pleases God. 1 John 2:17

What does my activity say about my life? Am I set apart for God? 

Four truths to prevent us from being seduced by the world
1. Loving God and the world can't co-exist. 
2. Ungodly desires trip us up
 - Flesh wants pleasure, sensuality 
 - Our eyes start looking for it. We consume with our eyes. Desire for more, bigger. Sin begins in the eyes. She saw the fruit was...
 - Pride of life, self sufficiency and self exultation. "I don't need help"
3. Loving the world is spiritual suicide 
 - it's passing away along with it's desire 1 John 2:17
 - like buying stock in a bankrupt company,  falling for identity theft 
 - if you marry the world now you'll end up a widow 
4. Obedience confirms your future 
 - 1 John 2:17, who ever does the will of God lives forever 
 - a Christian is captivated by God's will and his desire for us.

 - Believe Jesus Christ concurred sin and death. There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
 - Battle, fight against sin in your life. Earnestly pursuing righteousness in my life. 

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