
Jesus blood covenant is completely trustworthy (Heb 10:19-39)

A) Because of Jesus we enter God's presence, trusting him, cleansed of guilt
19-20) As a family we can enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of Jesus blood/death life-giving way
21-22) Jesus rules God's house, let us go into the presence of God with sincere hearts trusting him, guilty conscience by Christ blood is clean, bodies washed with pure water
Illustration of cheap grace: like we go to the shower and turn on the faucet every day. This was how I thought about it then I read further and realized how I was insulting God with this (Heb 10:28-29)
Biblical illustration: Abiding (John 15), like a tree planted by a river (Psalm 1), trust following (Psalm 23)

B) Our hope in God inspires our love as we wait for Jesus to return
23-25) Hold tightly, unwavering in hope we affirm, God is trustworthy, think of ways to motivate the family to acts of love and good works, meeting, encouraging, especially as his return draws near

C) Reverent obedience, respecting God enables us to continue to do God's will
26-27) Deliberate sinning after receiving the knowledge of truth brings the terrible expectation of God's judgment
28-29) Refuse to obey Son of God, treat the blood of the covenant as common/unholy, insulted/disdained Holy Spirit who brings God's mercy
30) God will take revenge, payback, judge his own people (Deut 32:35,36)
31) It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God
 - 32-34) think of when first learned of Christ, remained faithful though it meant suffering, public ridicule, beatings, helping others
 - 35-36) don't throw away this confident trust in the Lord, remember the great reward it brings you. Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will, receiving all he promised
37-39) Jesus will come without delay, Righteous ones will live by faith, no pleasure in anyone who turns away (Hab 2:3-4), we don't turn away, faithful ones whose souls will be saved

"When I thought I lost me, you knew where I left me, you re-introduced me to your love. You picked up all my pieces and put me back together. You are the defender of my heart. Alleluia, you have saved me. So much better this Way. Alleluia great defender so much better your Way." - Defender - UPPERROOM

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