
We are apt to forget, and slow to learn and remember, the things of God (1 Timothy 4:7)

I was thinking about Jesus taught to live life with God on purpose (Matt 16:25-27, Job 27:8). Jesus told his disciples to be careful, on guard against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Reminding them about their little faith. The way forward is shown in 1 Timothy 4:7, "train yourself (exercise) to be godly"
Matthew Henry puts it like this:
Observe, Those are good ministers of Jesus Christ who are diligent in their work; not that study to advance new notions, but that put the brethren in remembrance of those things which they have received and heard.

  • Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though you knew them, 2 Peter 1:12. 
  • I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, 2 Peter 3:1. \
  • I will therefore put you in remembrance, Jude 5. 
You see that the apostles and apostolical men reckoned it a main part of their work to put their hearers in remembrance; for we are apt to forget, and slow to learn and remember, the things of God.—Nourished up in the words of faith and good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained. Observe, 1. Even ministers themselves have need to be growing and increasing in the knowledge of Christ and his doctrine: they must be nourished up in the words of faith. 2. The best way for ministers to grow in knowledge and faith is to put the brethren in remembrance; while we teach others, we teach ourselves. 3. Those whom ministers teach are brethren, and are to be treated like brethren

Practical religion is exercising godly living, we must not only cease to do evil, but we must learn to do well (Isaiah 1:16, 17)

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