

God creates everything, Father of humanity for never-ending relationship (Genesis)

"In the beginning, God created..." Genesis 1:1

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” – Genesis 50:20

AIMs: Death fulfills a promise of God (Genesis 2:17) Spiritual prosperity fulfills God's promise (Genesis 50:20)

A) Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion (Gen 1-10)*

God creates everything and rests (Gen 1-2)

 - God's creative Spirit and Word prepares us for eternity (Genesis 1:1-5, Hebrews 11:1-3, 2 Cor 5:5-21)

Devilish doubt and shortsightedness brings sin and death into the world (Genesis 3)

 - Be the change in the world you want to see in the world

 - Why basic truth matters (doctrine)

Cain builds his name, Seth brings repentance to God's name (Gen 4)

God sustains a remnant in judging the world in a flood (Gen 5-7)

God remembers Noah and blesses his offspring forever (Genesis 8:1-9:17)

 - Sacrifice that pleases God, Jesus and our holiness for Him (Genesis 8:21)

 - Faith in Jesus is my response to his Spirit speaking to me (Genesis 8:20; 9:9; Hebrews 11:7)

Noah's curse to Ham brings Babylon, blessing to Shem brings Christ (Gen 9:18-11:9)

B) Becoming like Christ is evidenced by whole hearted obedience (life of Abraham), (Gen 11-25)

Abram descended from Shem, goes where the Lord shows him (Gen 11:10-12:20)

 - Faith leads to Regeneration (Gen 12:1, Romans 1, 2 Peter 1)The "call" of God and the ability to respond (Gen 12:1)

Abram demonstrates living by faith, Lot and Sodom a lifestyle of disaster (Gen 13-14)

Believing Abram receives God's shield, reward, and covenant promises (Gen 15)

 - Justification is evidenced by Peace of God (Gen 15:6, Rom 5:1, Phil 4:4-7)

Ishmael born into dis-functional family (Gen 16)

Covenant of circumcision, Abraham washes feet receiving the promise (Gen 17-18:15)

Abraham intercedes before Sodom is destroyed with Lot's wife (Gen 18:16-19, Luke 17:32)

 - Wrath of God is our biggest problem (Gen 18:20-21, 19:12-15)

God intervenes in Abraham's life through Abimelek (Gen 20)

Isaac is born, Hagar and Ishmael sent away, Abraham makes an oath (Gen 21)

 - God's point in asking Abraham to sacrifice his son (Gen 22:2, Rom 12:1-3)

Sarah dies, Abraham honors her w expensive burial (Gen 23)

 - Believers are called to be living sacrifices that bring God’s blessings to everyone (Romans 12:1-3)

A trustworthy servant, directed by God brings Rebekah to Isaac (Gen 24)

 - The things that are not to nullify the things that are (Gen 24, 1 Cor 1:28)

 - Doctrine of Election is God's irrevocable call for everyone (Genesis 25:23)

C) God faithfully guides, Isaac's family decisions are consequential (Gen 25-36)

Abraham leaves everything to Isaac who has Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25-26)

Rebekah conspires against Isaac for Jacob's blessing (Gen 27-28:9)

 - To know your purpose in life, look to God (Gen 27)

God appeared to Jacob in a dream at Bethel (Gen 28:10-22)

 - God draws near and shows grace to undeserving sinners (Gen 28)

Jacob works for Laban, marries Leah, Rachel and has four sons (Gen 29)

 - By God’s power, our salvation is preserved and protected

Jacob served Laban for 20 years, then left for Canaan (Gen 30-31)

Jacob blessed by God to bless his estranged brother Esau (Gen 32-33)

Jacob's family of warriors is protected by God Almighty, generations come and go (Gen 34-36)

D) Faithful Joseph leans into God and saves the world (Gen 37-50)

Judah sells Joseph, his family ruined then redeemed by Tamar (Gen 37-38)

Joseph experiences God's presence in slavery and prison (Gen 39-40)

Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream and saves the world from famine (Gen 41-42)

Brothers second encounter with Joseph leads to Benjamins capture (Gen 43-44)

 - Godly fear, kindness, sorrow, patience bring us to true repentance

First three generations of Israel move to Goshen (Gen 45:1-47:12)

 - Reconciliation by God's initiative, restores relationships

Joseph's economic policy restores the people, Israel blesses his family (Gen 47:13-48:22)

Jacob reveals truths, and Josephs honors God before they die (Gen 49-50)

* From the 7 C’s of History first did this years ago in Wave/56th street

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