
Jesus heals individuals over three days, feeding 4000+ (Matthew 15:21-39)-

A) Jesus heals Canaanite woman's daughter because of her persistent faith Matthew 15:21-28

21-22) Canaanite woman's daughter demon-possessed, ask Jesus for mercy

23-26) Jesus ignores her, "only to lost sheep of Israel", "children's bread to dogs?"

27-28) Even dogs get crumbs, Jesus sees her faith daughter healed at that moment

- Great faith comes from those who are far off but willing to surrender to Jesus Roman centurion was the other Matt 8:5-13 and Jesus healed from a distance in both cases.

Application: Our persistent prayers for others matter and makes a huge impact on their lives. 

B) Jesus heals gentiles over three days and miraculously feeds them Matthew 15:29-39

29-31) Jesus mountainside Sea of Galilee, healed lame, blind, crippled, mute multitudes praised God of Israel.

32) Jesus called disciples "compassion, three days nothing to eat, don't send them away hungry"

33-34) Where's the bread? How many do you have? Seven, + few small fish

35-39) Everyone sat, Jesus took resources, gave thanks, broke them for the disciples who gave to 4000+ who all were satisfied. Disciples picked up seven extra baskets.

 - Mark 7:31; 8:1

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