
Jesus glory revealed in transfiguration, healing, and miraculously provision for tax (Matthew 17)

Aim: Jesus reveals His glory through His presence, His words, and His power

Matthew 17

A) Jesus revealed His glory before Peter, James, and John at His transfiguration. – Matthew 17:1-13 

1-3) after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John mountain to pray, two days in his face changed, cloths like lightning (Luke 9:28,29). Sleepy they saw Moses and Elijah talking to Jesus. (of departure/Exodus)

 - Transfigured: transform into something more beautiful or elevated, metamorphose, convert

4) Peter confused, "Lord good we're here. Pleases you - I'll put of three shelters, you, Moses, and Elijah."

5) Just then bright cloud covered them, "this is my Son, whom I love; with him, I'm well pleased. Listen to him!" (Matthew 3:17)

 - Acts 3:22, Acts 3:23 Jesus fulfilled what Moses said, not listening to Jesus has eternal consequence

6-8) Disciples, facedown, terrified - Jesus touched them - "don't be afraid" alone all back to normal

9) Jesus instructed "don't tell until you've seen Son of Main raised from the dead"

 - 2 Peter 1:16-21: ...we saw the greatness of Jesus with our own eyes. Jesus heard the voice of the great and glorious God. That was when he received honor and glory from God the Father. The voice said, “This is my Son, the one I love. I am very pleased with him.” And we heard that voice. It came from heaven while we were with Jesus on the holy mountain."

 - John 12:41: Isaiah was referring to Jesus when he said this, because he saw the future and spoke of the Messiah’s glory.

 - James 1:19-27: quick to listen...humbly accept the word planted in you...Do what it says...looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

 - Elijah was a man with a nature like ours [with the same physical, mental, and spiritual limitations and shortcomings], and he prayed intensely for it not to rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. James 5:14-17

10-13) Why Elijah first? He did in John the Baptist, as he suffered so will Son of Man

What does the passage teach about God’s character and His values?

Jesus opens people’s eyes to recognize His glory.

How has God revealed Himself to you, and how did you respond?

B) Jesus revealed His glory by meeting human needs and preparing for the cross. – Matthew 17:14-27
14-16) Boy suffering with seizures, falling in fire and water disciples couldn't heal
17-19) "Unbelieving, perverse generation" Jesus rebuked the demon, came out, boy healed that moment
20-21) little faith, small as mustard seed, move mountains, nothing impossible, but by prayer and fasting
21-23) Son of Man, killed third day raised to life - disciples filled with grief
24-27) Jesus, disciples temple tax, children exempt but to prevent offense paid tax with fish Peter caught with coin

What does the passage teach about people? 
What spiritual or practical need has God met in a way that displayed His glory and power to you? 

Jesus meets people’s needs to reveal His glory.

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