
Jesus shows expert teachers their hypocrisy and how to cure it (Matthew 22:15-23:11)

 Matthew 22:15-23:39

A) Pharisees and Sadducees try to trap Jesus about government, Scripture, and God's will

15-20) Pharisees tried to trap Jesus with flattery and questions about paying tax

21-22) Jesus says, "give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's", left amazed

23-28) Sadducees who don't believe in resurrection ask Jesus about marriage at the resurrection

29-30) Jesus, "Your error; you don't know the Scriptures or the power of God, like angels/no marriage

 - 31-33) God said to you, I AM the God of Abraham, God of the living - not the dead", crowds astonished

34-36) Pharisees, get their expert; "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"

37-40) Jesus, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind - then Love your neighbor as yourself"

 - Love neighbor = show him complete mercy, at great expense - Luke 10:25-27,29-35,36-37

B) Jesus reminds them of the promised Messiah, the purpose of Scripture

41-42) Jesus asked Pharisees, "what do you think about the Messiah, Whose son is he?", David

43-46) If David speaking by the Spirit calls him Lord how can he be his son? No one could answer

 - Jesus refers to Psalm 110:1, concluding the idea at the Olivet discourse (Matthew 26:64). Jesus Son of man, Son of God "Lord said to my Lord" (Mark 12:36,14:62,16:19, Psalm 110:1)

23:1-4) Jesus, do everything Pharisees tell you from Scripture, but not what they do; "tie heavy loads on other's shoulders they aren't willing to carry"

5-7) Don't be like them who do everything for show, to be respected and honored as 'Rabbi'

8-10) Not 'Rabbi/father' since you have one Teacher (Spirit), one Father, one Instructor (Messiah)

11-12) Greatest will be servant, exalted will be humbled - those who humble themselves will be exalted

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