
What is godliness, who is godly? (Psalm 37)

My mom's Christmas letter encourage a read of Psalm 37. It compares the godly to wicked people. Who they are the choices they make, the character traits they lean into under certain circumstances. 

A) Recommendation for all people: trust God, don't worry about the wicked

1-2) wicked: do wrong seasonally, not enviable - doesn't last

3-6) godly: trust, do good, delight, commit in the LORD: promise He will help you

 - good deeds shine (Matthew 5:16), radiate like the dawn, justice noon day sun

7) Be still in presence of the LORD, wait patiently for him to act, don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.

B) Results in repentance from anger, new path of trusting God

8-9) Stop being angry, losing temper leads to harm. Wicked destroyed, godly possess the land.

10-13) Wicked disappear, lowly possess land in peace and prosperity

 - wicked plot against godly, snarl defiantly - it's a joke, judgment is visible

14-15) Wicked attack poor and oppressed, those who do right, their weapons will turn and fail them

16-19) Godly: better than riches, LORD takes care; innocent, eternal inheritance, not disgraced in calamity more than enough

20-24) Wicked die, Lord's enemy's disappear, cursed, borrow, never repay

 - Godly generous givers, LORD blesses, possess the land, directs steps, delights in every detail of their lives, stumble but never fall. Held by LORD's hand.

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