
Idolatry, selfishness, and hurt feelings provoke judgement and brokenness (Jer 18:18-19:15)

"This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘I will bring disaster (devastation) upon this city and its surrounding towns as I promised, because you have stubbornly refused to listen (and obey) to me.’" - Jer 19:15

Jeremiah 18:18-23

A) Hurt Jeremiah turns from intercesor, to provoking God's judgement against them.

18) People plot to stop Jeremiah with variety, rumors, and ignorance

19) Jeremiah pleads with Lord: hear, help/intercede, listen what enemies say

23) Knowing the plot, don't forgive crimes/wickedness, or blot out sins, let them die from your anger.

Application: When we are hurt, feeling rejected, disappointed we can feel like giving up on people and pushing a self centered agenda. We want to be proven right in our peers eyes. I'm reminded of Cain, Abel, and Seth

Our lives speak long after we've died. What will our life testimony be about? Accomplishments on Linked In, vacations on Facebook, family, friends, and ministry?  

Jeremiah 19

B) God responds with broken jar illustration and devastating prophecy against stubborn disobedient people.

19:1-3) buy clay jar, ask leaders/priest to broken pots dump, listen to this message from Lord

4-6) Israel rejected me, made this place valley of slaughter, incense, blood of innocent, child sacrifice to Baal against Lord's will

7-9) Lord will upset plans, allowing slaughter, ruin, destruction - resulting in cannibalism and despair.

10-13) Smash clay jar, Lord of Heaven's Armies shatters people, not mended, beyond hope of repair, homes of idol worshipers like this garbage heap, like Topheth

14-15) At Temple of the Lord, proclaimed all these cities and towns devastated because you stubbornly refused to listen and obey my words.

Application: our lives are consequential, how we treat one another in word and deed can bring life or death. Choose life. 

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