
Improve Integrity, focus words and actions where the Sprit points

A friend of mine gave me a questionnaire for self assessment, having me prayerfully consider my leadership style against some Christian core values. The ranking system was regarding how "self-focused" I was verses being "self-aware". In this exercised I was glad to see that in the area of integrity I needed help which brought me back to a teaching on integrity that aims to bring words and actions together in the direction the Spirit of God is leading. Integrity occurs when words and actions are match perfectly together, with this definition we can see many examples in our daily lives where this is not true. Jesus said, "let your yes be yes and your no be no. (Matthew 5:27-34; James 5:12)" I found this insightful in that the words where short and binary and could then be followed through with in a meaningful and measurable way.