
Jesus, Word, LIfe, Light, God, most rejected yet some received

John 1:1-18
AIM: Jesus is God
(1-2) In the beginning was the Word, with God, was God
(3) Through him all things were made, without him nothing was made (Colossians 1:15-17, Son of God, firstborn for him all were created (visible, invisible, thrones, powers, authorities))
(4-5) In him life, Light of mankind, The Light shines in darkness that hasn't understood, overcome, overpower, or appropriate or absorb it. UNRECEPTIVE to it
  • John 3:19-21; 8:12; 12:46; 1 John 1:5-6
  • Examples adoption is light, abortion is darkness, light is ability to excel at our highest level - darkness of drugs (feel big while gettting smaller)
(6-8) a man sent from God a witness, to testify about the Light
(9) True light enlightens everyone was coming into world
(10-11) He was in the world, made by him but it didn't recognize him, didn't receive him (Luke 19:14; John 19:15; Romans 3:1-2;9:4-5)
(12-13) All who did receive, believed in his name He gave right to become children of God, not of natural descent, human decision or husband's will but born of God
(14) Word became flesh, one and only Son from Father full of grace and truth
(15-16) John testified repeatedly about Him, testify (for the record), grace on grace already given
(17-18) law through Moses, grace and truth through Jesus Christ (is God, closest relationship with Father)