
Trusting God's perfect timing is always worth the wait

Genesis 41:1-57
The life of Joseph is an amazing journey of God's promises, life's circumstances and God's working in the lives of people. This is the fourth session of a 6 week study called True Colors at Grace Church Eden Prairie and is wonderful to study with our small group. Here's my notes on the sermon
Feb. 12, 2017
"Promotion" - Genesis 41:1-57 - Troy Dobbs
1-4) 2 years later, Pharaoh dreamed
5) 7 good, 7 bad
8) magicians (versed in sacred writings), wise men couldn't interpret
 - guessing,  being wrong meant death
9) cup-bearer remembers Joseph interpretation came true
 - time, symbols
14) in a pit, made up to look good
15) interpret dreams, not me but God will give you a favorable answer
 - Joseph humble and spoke openly because he endured hardship and remained faithful
17) 7 years of plenty, 7 years of famine
32) double dream means this will happen immediately, set by God
33) select a wise discerning man, set him over land of Egypt
 - humble, not self promotion
 - no selfish ambition  (he had matured beyond that)
37) can we find a like this whom is the Spirit of God?
39) Pharaoh set him over the house, people and 2nd in command
 - 30 years old (was 17 when he was sold)
41) complete with ceremony, ring was like Am Ex Black card, clothes, gold necklace,
50-52) 2 sons, Manasseh (forget hardship), Ephraim (fruitful in land of affliction)

What God is saying
1. God never hurries
 - no deadlines
 - His pace is for our good
 - Joseph learned to rest, relax, be quiet
 - He's working something good in us or for us
 - end of life waiting is valuable time

2. Waiting time is not wasted time
 - waiting on God is purposeful
 - don't be frustrated or angry
 - God is working in me, through me, for his glory
 - keep hoping, believing and faithful every day

3. Trusting God while waiting on God is always worth it.
 - Jesus waited for John the Baptist to fulfill his work, before rushing into His ministry  (obeying God's plan)
 - People aren't in charge of your future,  God's in charge of your future
 - God is in charge of your life
 - Joseph doesn't hold animosity towards the cup bearer

4. When promotion comes, give credit to God
 - don't take matters into your own hand
 - wait patiently for the Lord to do the work he has. Like Simeon from Luke's gospel (Luke 2:22-40), he saw the Messiah as a baby in old age.