
Gospel keeps us from fearing man

Religious people do more harm than pagans and atheists - Troy Dobbs

16) no one pass judgement (because of your identity in Christ), food/drink/Religious holiday (common issue in the early church - see 1 cor 8, Romans 15)
 - intimidated into thinking your missing something 
17) rituals are shadow of reality if Jesus
- easy and dangerous to focus on routine rituals.
18-19) caving into legalism can cause fractures and disqualification  (morality doesn't save, Jesus does)
- Christian faith is not a set of rules 
- or mystical experience 
- power, freedom and the next level are here in some secret place that nobody else is going.
     - flesh (sensual), not spiritual and separated from the truth in scripture 
- Christian faith is about God growing us in connection to Jesus (19)
 - don't be an another's disciple, be Christ disciple

4 ways to know your dealing with legalism (leading you astray)
1) judges and disqualify another according to arbitrary human standards
2) Focused more on what we do instead of God's work
3) subjective feelings or mystical experience normal over history of cross, resurrection 
4) don't need Jesus or church

20-22) asceticism (starvation, self torture).

23) appearance of wisdom, value but does no good in stopping the indulgence of flesh
- Self-reformation will never work. We need transformation. No self-made Christians, we need Christ, we need the Holy Spirit. 
- Self-religion is hearing God saying here is the way, then saying; Thank you God I'll take this other way. 
- Christianity is resting in Christ. Not working. Trusting in His work, not relying on yourself. 
- legalism is trusting in the work of someone else's standards and rules.
- pleasing another rather than God
- code of conduct is a set of precepts 
    - Precept drive 35 mph, principal drive safely 
    - Conformity to the code makes us judgmental 
- We become a stumbling block, preventing others from drawing near to God.
- pagans, pastors 

4 reasons to say no
1) you're complete in Christ 
- everything you need in Christ 
- 20 "if with Christ you died"
- don't be manipulated, intimidated with people being an expert over you. You already completed in Christ. 
2) you never know when the rules are going to change (person, family, situation)
- 22 "things that perish when they're used"
- a worthless list, governing meaningless issues
3) look spiritual without being spiritual 
- prideful. Look good and smell bad.
- let Christ change you inside out
4) legalism doesn't stop the flesh
- the primary problem is people's pride in their own self Reliance 
- legalism brings "success" in the world, the death of the soul. More damaging than alcohol... contrary to Proverbs but I see his point.

Certain you've trusted Christ alone for salvation? People walk around the cross without bowing the knee to Christ. 

Are you more concerned with pleasing people or pleasing God?

Are you worn out in the walk with Christ?
- give it a rest.
- Christian life is not busy doing things for God
- God loves everyone equally, (talents and responsibility)
- called and equipped, the strength of grace, power of grace, peace transcends understanding. 

Mar. 19, 2017
"How the Gospel Keeps Us from Fearing Man" - Colossians 2:16-23 - Troy Dobbs
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