
Pilate under pressure condemns Jesus to crucifixion

John 18:28-19:17

AIM: Pressure reveals character

A) Jesus put on trial before Pilate accused by the priests
(28) Jesus trial Caiaphas ends early morning, taken to Pilate (Roman Governor), accusers stay outside "undefiled" for Passover
(29-32) Pilate; Charge? Criminal. Take him by your own law - only Romans execute (fulfilled Jesus prediction Matt 20:18-19, John 3:14-16)
(33-35) Pilate; King of Jews? Jesus; Your question or did others tell you about me? Pilate; your people & leading priest accuse, what have you done?
(36-37) Jesus; Kingdom not earthly, not of this world. Pilate; you are king? Jesus; you say.. was born to testify truth, all who love truth recognise what I say is true

  • To people who believe in Jesus, truly disciples, remain faithful to teaching - you will know the truth and the truth will set you free John 8:31-32
  • Truth that leads, guides, has unfailing love, light of God who saves (Psalm 25:5;26:3;43:3)
  • Jesus says "I tell you the truth" when teaching about righteousness, salvation and prophecy
    • "I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17, "Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 18:3 
(38-40) What is truth? he's not guilty custom let 1 go, we want Barabbas (the revolutionary)
Application: Jesus under pressure still reaching out, giving Pilate a chance to know him and be saved. When I'm being threatened was is revealed in my character? How will remembering Jesus impact my emotions and actions when I'm under pressure and feel the need to retaliate? 1 Peter 2:23

B) Pilate attempts to save Jesus with a severe beating and mockery
(19:1-3) Jesus flogged, a crown of thorns, purple robe mocked "hail king of jews!"
(4-6a) Pilate here he is, not guilty but leading priest, temple guards shouted Crucify him!
(6b-7) Pilate you crucify him I find him not guilty, leaders; he called himself Son of God
(8-10) Pilate frightened asked Jesus where are you from? answer me, I can free you or kill you
(11-12) Jesus; no power unless given from above, the one who handed me over has greater sin, Pilate tries to release but "rebel against Caesar"
Application: How will Jesus words comfort me and enable me to endure suffering? Knowing that God causes all things to work together for my good should be front of mind when life seems out of control. What area of my life am I not being a good imitator of Christ?

C) Pilate with his job threatens condemns Jesus to Crusixifcation
(13-16) Pilate judgement seat platform Gabbatha, noon here is your king, Crucify him - Pilate turns him over
(17) Carrying the cross by himself Jesus went to Place Skull Golgotha
Application: What does my cross look like and where's the destination? Because Jesus carried my burden, who burden do I need to carry?