
Disciples witness Jesus resurrected, receive the Holy Spirit and commissioned

John 20
AIM: God empowers us to do his will

A) Mary, Peter and John see the tomb is empty remember Scripture about resurrection
(1-2) before sunrise Sunday Mary Magdalene, tombstone rolled away ran to Simon Peter and John "Lord's body taken, don't know where"
(3-5) They ran to tomb, John looked in saw linen didn't enter
(6) Peter went in, linen cloth cover Jesus' head folded up apart from other wrappings
(8-10) John goes in and believed, having understood Scriptures said Jesus must rise from the dead, went home
(11-13) Mary crying by tomb sees angels at head and foot where Jesus' body was, they talk
(14-16) She sees someone, talk to him thinking he's a gardener but he said her name and she knew it was him
(17-18) "Don't cling to me" Jesus said, I haven't ascended to Father, but go find brothers and tell them I am ascending to my Father, your Father, my God, you God"
 - John 14:1-31
Application: Knowing scriptures helps me see miracles of God.

B) Disciples see Jesus and receive the Holy Sprit and the message of forgiveness
(19-21) Sunday evening disciples, Jesus among them "Peace" showed wounds hands/side - filled joy
(22-23) "Peace, Father sent me I send you, receive the holy, forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven. Don't forgive them they are not forgiven.
Application: I have been sent by God, equipt by his Spirit and have the responsibility to do the work he has called me to do. My attitude, action, and words have the power to forgive people or condemn them.

C) Jesus handles Thomas' doubts with compassion
(24-25) Thomas (1 or 12) not with them won't believe unless see nail wounds, put fingers in them place hand on wound at his side
(26-27) a week later Jesus appears, "Peace" to Thomas "see and put hands on my wounds, don't be faithless, believe"
(28-29) "My Lord and my God!" Thomas "Believe because you see, blessed are those who believe without seeing me"
(30-31) Disciples saw many other miracles not recorded here, written so you continue to believe Jesus the Messiah, Son of God - believing in him you'll have power of his name.
Applicaiton: God answers the questions I have that I take to him.