
Conviction is a gift of God (experience it, ask for it)

Recap we were in 1 John,
John 15, send Spirit
0:56 pick up verse John 15:5
Grief clouds our vision, Jesus notices and encourages them, doesn't tell them to "suck it up"
Holy Spirit will come to live in them all the time. They have many questions.

The Spirit will lead them. Same for us, things make sense when we have the Spirit.

Jesus won't be limited to one time and one place,

verse John 15:8 at 5:10
Who is the world: those in opposition to Jesus
1. convicts those who come to Christ sin, righteousness and judgement (believers and salvation)
2. like a courtroom - (unbelievers, condemnation)
 the sin of refusal of who Jesus is and his authority

Our faith is an act of God and his grace.

Acts 2, people were cut to the heart - not from people but the holy spirit (what if Peter preached this sermon a day earlier.

conviction is a gift of God (experience it, ask for it)

righteousness (we compare ourselves to others) - our standard of each other will make us feel better about OUR SIN (great point). Also culture and public opinion - years ago culture's view of right and wrong has shifted and it always will. Jesus is not just a good standard of righteousness - like we could try harder and be like him. His righteousness is completely different than ours. Proved by his resurrection. Father gives us his righteousness.

12:43 - judgement

Satan's power/influence in the world is judgement. Cross proves the fact of judgement of sin (AWESOME statement). It's a gift of God to receive the judgement of God.

14:50, God's conviction is like a procedure that will seem painful

Spirit guides us in The truth
15:30 reading verse 12-15

Jesus taught them much, he did this through the Holy Spirit. These men wrote the new testament.

John 14:20, all things (history), doctrine to understand what it mean (about God, love, compassion)

John 16:13 He guides in all the truth. what's to come (prophecy).

Timing: 20, where is the truth - left - right news source. Where is the truth?

We get the truth in prayer. Listening and talking. Bible study, revelation (never contradicts his word).

To glorify Jesus: 14-15

22:32 P1 Holy Spirit guides believers to know and glorify Jesus

What work of the Spirit of your life? Conviction, repentance, trust, love, understanding, awareness of Jesus love, mercy and forgiveness. The desire to share Jesus with others. Where do you want more?

24:04 Division B) 16-22
Good gesture! ARRRRGGGHHH!!!!

1) See me no more (Physical sight), little while you will SEE (Perceiving)
Death, resurrection
ascension, Pentecost

Joy - in forgiveness
even during trouble, difficulty....

29:04, verse 23

Amazing promise around prayer
 - Jewish culture only high priest could talk to the father. Only possible when Jesus returned the father and sent the Holy Spirit.

Promise for family, children of God through Christ.
 - Joy when family comes

Ask the Spirit to help us to pray, and prayer changes us. Start one way and end up going another that is God's way. Start selfish and end with clarity about God's will for out lives.

Activity to activity: don't miss the privilege of prayer.

37: 00 world is full of trouble. How does Jesus have peace and ability to encourage disciples?

Do you have this? you can. We have the Holy Spirit living is us. take heart. Jesus has overcome the world.

A peaceful life is not a life without problems.

You have a flashlight in the woods, turn it on.

Last principal 39:30, Believers can have Jesus overcoming peace regardless of their circumstances.

We can have peace if you don't have peace. Ask him. Bring him your questions and confusion and ask him for guidance in truth.