
Least of these matter most (Matt 25:40)

“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ - Jesus, Matthew 25:40
May. 14, 2017
"The Least of These ... Matter Most" - - Dr. Wess Stafford, President Emeritus, Compassion International
Matt 25:34-40

4 to 14 window
2 and 1/2 converts (2 children and 1 adult), the children have their whole life ahead - adult only has half.

Whatever you have done for the least of these
 - least import? no, he meant the poor, marginalized, smallest, youngest, weakest, least able
 - in those moments you did that, you did it TO ME, not FOR me

Judgment; not what you feel or know, but what did you do?

Huge surprises, what was important and who was important.

The little were big in the kingdom of God.

People helping people
No one cares what you know until they know you care.

Running water, run and get some water!

No matter how poor you are, you can have love, hope. You can't outgive God and can't outgive the poor.

Poverty is the enemy
Tightrope of survival. Drought, famine, dependent on nature - no fertilizer.  Sickness and disease without a vaccine, why - it's not fair. No refrigerator, tears eyes, ears, and pillow. Friends dying. Africa compared to New York City.

Building Bridges
1.9 million children supported. One spot here connecting with one spot there.
Luke 10, good samaritan model. You have the facility, here's the money. Care for this man.
 - Local pastor given the credit not Compassion International.
 - Every nine days, 5,000 new children. We have the opportunity to disciple and support them.

You need a cause
Bigger than you, outside of you...join me. Time is too short. Think of eternity, Rev 21:4 - God wipes the tears from our eyes. The hands that took the nails on the cross are waiting for you.. Commit to helping one, not everyone.

Jesus said I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. John 14