
Loving people is living in the light, there is no cause for stumbling (1 John 2:10)

Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling.
1 John 2:10 ESV
Brother is everyone according to the Greek Aldelphos
"Any fellow man"

Proverbs 17:17, brother born for adversity 
Realize that sin and disobedience prevent us from loving
- hate: walking in darkness 
- a checkup from the neck down, our heart not our head
- John 13:34-35, love as Jesus loved his disciples, all will know we are Jesus' 
- June 10th, Jesus walk. Food and Jesus 
- draw closer to the Lord to share the brotherly love he commands 

155 day reading plan, Matthew 1, Psalm 1
- all psalms,  gospels twice 

2 cor 10:5-6
Destroy arguments against God, take every thought captive to Christ, ready to punish disobedience when my obedience is complete 
- daily study, preparation 
- my obedience and knowledge of the Truth

Life not going well, disobedience. 

1 love brothers and sisters 
2 sin and disobedience stops us
3 draw closer to God so we can obey God's command to love 

Devils one bullet, deception. 

Life without Christ is never fixed.