
Resurrected Jesus advises, serves breakfast for disciples and restores Peter

John 21
A) Jesus Advises where to fish
(1) Jesus appeared to disciples beside Sea of Galilee
(2-3) Simon leads 7 of 12 disciples fishing, caught nothing all night
(4-6) at dawn, Jesus talks to them from shore "caught anything?", "no", "Throw net right side, you'll catch some" they did and got so many they couldn't haul it in
  • Like in John 15:5, following Jesus instruction, brings success - our own efforts count for nothing.
  • unlike Luke 5:5-7, the nets didn't break
  • Application: where am I striving for success apart from what God has called me to? When do I stop my striving and seek God's will in my work?
(7-8) John said "it's the Lord", Peter jumps out the boat heading for shore, the others pulled the loaded net to shore
  • John recognized Christ first, Peter reached him first - the other disciples honored Christ by securing the catch and tending the boat.
  • We see Peter's zeal and think, "Yes" awesome - go after Jesus with everything! But the guys in the boat may have been thinking, "what the heck Peter, you lead us here to fish than you take off when we get it done."
  • Application: How do I look down on other servants of Christ who don't respond the way I do? Where do I have resentment towards brothers and sisters in Christ who devote time and energy towards initiatives they are called to, yet "less productive" than bringing in the catch.
B) Jesus serves Fish and Loaves Breakfast
(9) Jesus has breakfast waiting for them - fish and bread
  • Could this be the same miraculous meal from feeding 5,000
  • Could this be the reason for loaves and fish being Christian symbols - because Jesus reinforced the point on the seashore here?
(10-11) "bring some of the fish you caught" Simon Peter saw 153 large fish, yet net hadn't torn (could have been even more smaller fish?)
(12-14) Jesus invites them for breakfast, serves them bread and fish (3rd time he appeared to them)
C) Jesus restores people giving vocational instructions
(15-17) 3 times Jesus asked do you love me to Peter who says yes to which Jesus says feed/care for my lambs/sheep
  • How do you show love for someone? How does someone want you to show love for them? Love languages: Words, Service, Gifts, Touch, Time.
(18-19) Jesus says "I tell you the truth" (recurring phrase) then talks about his life, his clothes and how other people will dress him and take him where he doesn't want to go. 
  • I wonder if that was confusing at the time. Remember Peter asked Jesus where are you going? In John 13:36
  • Perhaps Peter is already dead by the time this was written and so John includes Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. 
  • After He had said this, He told him, "Follow Me."
  • Remember Jesus answer to Peters question, "Where I am going you cannot follow Me now. but you will follow later" - John 13:36
(20-23) Jesus said "If I want to... what's that to you?... you follow me" - this confused people
(24-25) John testifies to events recorded, it's accurate. Jesus did other things more than can be written about