
Now to Him who is able to do infinitely more than all we ask or imagine (Eph 3:20)

I'm at Cannon Beach in Oregon and struck by the beautiful coastline and how the tide pulls so far out into the ocean. God is able to do not simply "more" than we can ask or image, but "infinitely more". I love this verse (and all of Ephesians, have the app read it to you - only takes 25 minutes). I love that this verse has both aspects of "ask" and "image". I see in scripture that God wants us to ask and tell him all that we care about (1 Peter 5:7). Hope and imagination go hand in hand as well, I imagine that someone reading this post will be blessed. I imagine that God will use me today to be a blessing to someone because I've seen this happen many times in the past. Love covers a multitude of sins, today I'll show God's gracious love to people around me and look forward in hope as God continues to fulfill his promise to Abraham, "I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. " Genesis 22:17
