
Toxic Congregants: Ministry would be awesome except for the people

I saw this comment and just had to laugh. Travis Finley says, "See me for your next book, Toxic Congregants. Ministry would be awesome except for the people."
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The Biblical word for toxic is sinful and can be called in Christianese terms "fleshly (selfish)", "worldly (godless)" or at worst "satanic (wicked)"

This idea that "Ministry would be awesome except for the people." Is so funny because that's all ministry is about... but sad because we can sometimes feel that way. Children are great at this, "I enjoy being with you as long as I have a smartphone and headphones on."

Lord give me a fresh heart to see my own brokenness apart from you. Cut off the parts of my thinking that are counter to your will. Make me be an antitoxin to those around me. Help me to carry the lost and hurting to your son's work on the cross. Restore us, heal us and sanctify us by your word and Spirit of truth. Amen