
Sin's awfulness revealed through attempts at living by the Law (Romans 7)

Romans 7
AIM: the struggle is real but victory awaits those who persevere

A) Law intended to help in life
1-3) Law is for the living, a marriage ends at death, adultery doesn't happen for widower remarrying
4 -6) Likewise, we died with Christ, united in his resurrection to live to good deed in God's Spirit
  - What if we all took Psalm 1:1-5 to heart and followed that wisdom while we were young?

B) Sin deceives us into trespass instead, condemning us to death
7-10) Law isn't sinful, SIN uses commands to arouse covetous desires, bringing death instead of life
11-12) SIN deceives, uses LAW (holy, good, right) to kill
13) SIN used good law to bring condemnation, see how terrible SIN is? It uses God's good for evil
 - Satan the father of lies John 8:44, Thief who steals, kills and destroys John 10:10, Deceiver of the world, accuser Rev 12:9-10, Ruler of this world John 12:31, god of this age 2 Cor 4:4
 - Turns those trying to live by the law into hypocrites (Matthew 23:14)
 - Satan’s Ten Strategies Against You

C) SIN's power is still present in our flesh but shouldn't control our minds and spirit
14-16) Law spiritual/good, yet I don't do right but wrong against my desire - proving it's good,
17) SIN's life in me does wrong
18-20) I'm not good, can't do right despite desire/will SIN's life in me does it
21-24) Truth: I want right, but do wrong, though I love God, another power at war in mind, SIN/death
25) Thank God, delivers me through Lord Jesus Christ, my mind/heart are His - but body under SIN
 - Abide in Christ and you will bear much fruit (John 15, Gal 5:22-25) empowered by Grace t