
The 60/40 rule, Love God - Love People

I'm a huge fan of Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule. In other words look to the 20% of activity that brings the 80% of results. Often times it's more like 2% brings 62%. Last week I thought the first commandment brought 99.9% of desired results. Jesus makes the work of 2-10 commandment possible. In church today we wrapped up a series called Chiseled in Stone about the Ten Commandments.  A lot of talk about YOU in Christian teaching, (i.e. it's about you). We see in Bible that God's want YOU to Love Others through the Love relationship you have with him. Let the grace of God flow through you like a bubbling spring welling up - bring joy, peace, and relief to those around you.

1. God first
2. No idols
3. Carry God's name
4. Remember Creation/Creator weekly
5. Honor parents (regardless of what they do or don't do)
6. Don't murder (in heart or action) - pro-life
7.Treat people like family, not "objectifying" people as a sexual conquest.
8. Don't steal; We are all guilty of this continually.
9. Don't lie Proverbs 6 - lying lips, a false witness who breathes out lies.
10. Don't Envy - feel bad about the good in other people life.
 - pay attention to what brings joy to your heart.
 - The fourth Commandment helps us to recognize the gifts we've been given from God and to have joy in that.

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