
Dead Sea Scrolls and Biblical allusion

Today I'm going to check out Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit in Denver: https://www.dmns.org/dead-sea-scrolls/

I've been thinking of creating a Biblical allusion database/search engine sort of formatted like http://biblehub.com/joel/2-28.htm but with greater contextual information and ordering of the references.

Biblical allusion database search

Should probably get this book

brought me to
washingtonpost.com: newspapers-were-once-full-of-bible-quotes

and twitter: @washpostfaith

great articles - is this Jeff Bezos influence? not sure what his faith is but have a real like for what Amazon has made possible over the years. 

After those fun rabbit holes, http://americaspublicbible.org/

sweet data!

More rabbit trails for later


And here's the allusion database connecting scripture to dead sea scrolls, look like it was coded in 1995!

Looking forward to developing something awesome soon

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