
Overcoming addiction: In the name of the LORD I will cut them off (Psalm 118)

Psalm 118
It's about God, my problems, his advice and help to win the fight over the world, the flesh and the devil.

A few "small" words from God in your heart can turn into a "huge" reality in your life. Person with a disabling spirit (bound by Satan) even after 18 years can be set free by Jesus (Luke 13:11-13,16).

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you. (Luke 17:5-6)

A) Psalm 118 starts with thanks giving for God's loving kindness
1-4) O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness endures forever (x4), Israel, Aaron, those who reverently fear the LORD
Application: Thanksgiving and recognition of God's loving kindness is the root of all healing

B) God helps us when we call on him, put our trust in him and do our part in cutting off the enemy
5 ) Out of my distress I called on the Lord;
The Lord answered me and set me free.
 - 6) Lord on my side, I will not fear man
 - 7) Lord on my side, He helps me (I look to those who hate me in triumph!) - decide ahead of time.
 8-9) It's better to take refuge in the LORD (x2) than trust in man, princes
10-11) They (who hate, steal, kill and destroy) encompass me,
in the name of the LORD I WILL cut them off (x2)
 - 12) swarm like bees, flare up and extinguished like a fire of thorns,
in the name of the LORD I WILL CUT THEM OFF!

C) When we've experienced the promises of God come true in our lives, we truly know him
13) I was pushed hard, so that I was falling but the Lord helped me
14) Lord is my strength and my song, he has become my salvation
15-16) Joyful shouting, salvation homes of righteous, right hand of the Lord does valiantly (x3)
17) As I live I will recount the deeds of the Lord
18) Lord disciplined me severely, not to death (Bronze snake between victories by faith, discipline and healingPaul teaches Colossians about true repentance, Jesus emphasizes perseverance and discipline for Philadelphia and Laodicea)
19-20) Open gates of righteousness, I'll enter, the righteous enter (Jesus Illustrates God's plan as a Door and Good Shepherd (John 10))
21) I WILL give thanks to YOU (personal relationship) for YOU have heard and answered me; You have become my salvation
22-23) The STONE which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone (Isaiah 28:16, Matt 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph 2:20, 1 Peter 2:6,7)
24) This [day in which God has saved me] is the day which the Lord has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Rejoice in the Lord)
25-29) Save now, prosper us, give success!
26) Blessed who comes in the name of the LORD
27-29) Lord gives light, we give thanks for his Lovingkindness endures forever

The Lord disciplines those he loves

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