
Blood and fire, Salvation Army and the strategy of Satan

I was walking around Loring park in Minneapolis, listening to The Strategy of Satan: How to Detect and Defeat Him when I looked up and saw this plaque on a building.
I've listened to the book several times as it takes the Bible and focuses on the targets, weapons, and purposes of Satan and reveals the defenses God has provided for us to defeat him. "It's a manual of arms for the Christian soldier. It's not a devotional reader for the believer who has gone AWOL. It's a deadly serious guidebook for the dedicated Christian who is on the battlefield and want to know how to win."

Positionally, you are in Christ and delivered from the power of Satan (Colossians 1:13)
This book aims to help you experience this victory practically.

It is not the reading of truth or even the enjoying of truth that brings blessing. It is the doing of the truth. Therefore, determine with the Spirit's help to put these truths into practice.

Col 2:15, John 12:31, Rev 12:11

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