
Godly relationship enhance spiritual growth (Romans 16)

Romans 16
Regular people matter, believers who received his teaching and were perhaps further along in their journey than him. "If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you.... Romans 8:11-39" "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new... 2 Cor 5:17"

Principals for Christian ministry
 - We are all involved in the ministry of God, united with the Church
 - Spend time noticing what others are doing, be personal
 - Rely on others believers, share concerns
 - Caring strangers who share the Gospel.

A) Beloved people working hard in the Lord for and with each other 1-16
1-2) Phoebe deacon/servant church at Cenchrea, receive and help her as she's helped many
 - 2 Cor 3:1, Acts 18:18, Phil 2:29, Acts 9:13,15
3-4) Prisca and Aquila (from Pontus, forced to leave Rome because of Claudius), saved Paul's life with shelter in Corinth cause they worked together as tentmakers before Paul devoted himself to teaching (Acts 18:1-4,5-11)
5) Prisca and Aquila house church (1 Cor 16:19), Epaenetus first Asia convert to Christ (Acts 16:1-6, 1 Cor 16;15)
 - First converts have a huge impact on the people around them, reminded of Legion Possessed man Jesus healed in the Decapolis
 - love and support, a friend is someone who gives love and receives love. Cultivating good fruit on other peoples trees.
 - God's provision through others: Prayer, agreement builds accountability and witness to God's working in our lives. Practical helps: a favor is better than money. People who pray and correct us when we are wrong (origins, morality, meaning, destiny). Discover your faith and church.
6-7) Mary worked hard for Roman church, Andronicus, Junias outstanding apostles - in Christ before Paul
8-9) Ampliatus beloved in the Lord, Urbanus fellow worker in Christ, Stachys beloved
10-11) Apelles approved in Christ, household of Aristobulus, Herodion kinsman, household of Narcissus in the Lord
12-13) Tryphaena, Tryphosa workers in the Lord, Persis beloved worked hard in the Lord, Rufus a choice man in the Lord, Persis beloved - worked hard in the Lord
14-15) Asyncritus, Phiegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas and brethren with them, Philologus, Julia, Nereus - his sister, Olympas all saints with them
16) Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you.
Application: how many people have impacted me in a community that others could greet for me with a holy kiss?

B) Keep your eyes in good health (17-20)
17) eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances, turn from them (righteous... shuts his eyes from looking upon evil Isaiah 33:15), Matt 13:16 - blesssed are your eyes because they see
 - I've been seeing "evil eye" in scripture lately, divisive and deceptive people take after the serpent Gen 3:5 (false benefit to eyes), Proverbs 3:7 don't see self as wise, fear Lord, turn from evil. The soul of wicked desires evil, his neighbor finds no favor in his eyes (Proverbs 21:10), a man with an evil eye hastens after wealth and does not know that want will come upon him (Proverbs 28:22)
 - 18) they are slaves of own appetites, smooth, flattering speech deceive hearts of unsuspecting
 - 19) yet your obedience brings rejoicing, BUT be wise in what is good, innocent in what is evil
 - a cult needs someone other than Jesus and teaching other than the Bible
 - you don't need to go into an outhouse to know it stinks inside.
 - 20) God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet, Grace of our Lord Jesus be with you (Lord wash my feet, that I may have feet fitted with the gospel of peace)

C) Encouragement from friends in the faith and benediction praising God (21-27)
21-23) Greetings in Lord from: Timothy (fellow worker), Lucius, Jason, Sosipater kinsmen (tribe of Benjamin?), Tertitus writer/scribe of Romans, Gaius (host of church), Eratus (city treasurer), Quartus (his brother)
24) Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you al. Amen.
 - Value of relationships
25) Now to Him, able to establish, strengthen in the faith, preaching Jesus Christ plan of salvation
 - Mystery: Ephesians 3:2-6, Colossians 1:27, Gospel is simple but not simplistic. Grace through faith in Jesus Christ according to Scriptures.
26) prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations. God's ways are not our ways. Who is God leading us to obedience to the faith
27) Only wise God, through Jesus Christ, glory forever

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