
Whoever would draw near to God... those who seek him (Why we pray)

Preparing for NDofP this week, came across this great help from https://www.nationaldayofprayer.net
Worship and praise is prayer, not just confession of sins and repentance. God receives our requests, we learn His will as we seek His help. He gives us grace and peace as a result of believing in him through prayer. Prayer plays a part in bringing others to faith in Christ. Prayer can heal nations and grant us the strength to endure trials. The best scripture that comes to my mind is Heb 11:1,6

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen...And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

  1. Instructed to pray:  Matthew 5:44,Matthew 6:5,Romans 12:12,1 Thessalonians 5:17,James 5:16
  2. Jesus prayed regularly: Luke 11:1,John 17,Matthew 11:25-26,Luke 3:21,Luke 5:16,Luke 6:12,Luke 9:18-28
  3. Prayer is communication with God. : Philippians 4:6,1 Thessalonians 5:17
  4. Through prayer, God allows us to participate in His works: Isaiah 40:29-31,Hebrews 4:15-16,2 Chronicles 7:14
  5. Prayer gives us power over evil: Mark 9:29,1 Timothy 4:8,Matthew 26:41 
  6. Prayer is always available to us: Psalm 139:7,Romans 8:38-39
  7. Prayer keeps us humble before God: Jeremiah 32:17,John 15:5,Romans 8:28,1 Peter 5:5-7,Colossians 3:12,James 4:6-7
  8. Prayer grants us the privilege of experiencing God, our faith is experiential: Acts 1:3,Acts 26:25,John 14:16-17
  9. Answered prayer is an incredible witness to unbelievers: James 5:16,Colossians 4:2
  10. Prayer strengthens our bond of love with one another: Jude 20,1 Timothy 2:1-2,1 John 5:15-16
  11. Prayer brings success: Proverbs 3:5-6,1 Chronicles 16:11,James 5:13-15

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