
Rule of Life Self Assessment (Judges 13:12)

My Rule of life has been, "God first, then family, then people, then work"

Judges 13:12 ESV: And Manoah said, “Now when your words come true, what is to be the child's manner of life (Rule of life), and what is his mission (Vocation NASB)?”

 Romans 8:11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.

1. What disciplines and specific practices are you attracted to and why you are
attracted to them?
  • Prayer, because God hears me, refreshes my soul/spirit/body and guides me
  • Bible Study, because it's God's general revelation that allows me to test if specific revelation is from him
  • Fellowship with believers, because God works through people
  • Church because worship together feels like "home"
  • Serving because it feels good to help others and is my preferred "love language"
2. Where do you sense that God is calling you to stretch and grow? Where do you
want to change?
  • Personal holiness, and Sabbath rest. God creates the new life just as he did all life in the beginning, I need to spend quality time resting in God's work, remembering him in his presence.
  • Developing an outreach ministry stem fellowship
3. What kind of balance do you need in your life?
  • Personal holiness, and Sabbath rest - not forced
4. If you could hear your own eulogy, what would you want to hear?
  • From God: "Well done good and faithful servant, Come and share your master's happiness!"
  • From People: "You don't know me, but because you helped my family - I was able to do the work God had planned for me"
  • From Family: "Looking forward to seeing you soon"
5. Is your Rule realistic for you to commit to?
  • Yes

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