
Can imperfect people please the perfect God?

John Bevere writes in his Extraordinary Devotional
We must understand that there’s nothing we can do to make God love us more or less. But we are in control of how pleased He is with us. When it comes to pleasing God, the big question is, “Can we do it?” Can imperfect people like us, living in an imperfect world, bring a perfect God delight?

Hear the Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 1:3: “We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power.” There’s our answer— we have everything it takes to live a life that pleases our Heavenly Father. With that said, I want you never to forget this statement: You have the ability to please God, but it is up to you to utilize the power and live it out.

God expects us to be faithful with what He’s given us, and He doesn’t empower each child equally. This is made clear in the parable of the talents. One servant was given five talents, another was given two, and still, another was given one. We must always pay attention to what God has given us. A person’s ability to write, teach, preach, sing, design, organize, lead, and so forth are all God-given gifts.

You were perfectly created by God to function in the kingdom and have the gifts and abilities to fulfill your specific assignment. So, in regard to what we have, we cannot compare our measured results with others. However, in regard to what we do with what we have, we will be judged and in this, we bring pleasure, or a lack of it, to our Heavenly Father.

So, going back to Peter’s words, the next question is: “What is the power that has been miraculously given to us that enables us to please God?” The answer is “His grace.” Grace. Much has been communicated about grace in recent times, yet it still isn’t fully understood by so many. It’s without a doubt one of the most, if not the most, important truths a believer should grasp because it’s the very foundation of our salvation and life in Christ.

It is not just God’s favor that cannot be earned; it is also God’s empowering presence that gives us the ability to do what pleases Extraordinary 5 Him. Grace gives us the ability to exceed our own ability! It gives us the ability to live extraordinarily! God didn’t just rescue us from sin and eternal death. He has empowered us so that we can live successfully here in this world. He didn’t want children who would have the title of righteousness but not the ability to overcome the sins and weaknesses that ensnared them in the first place. No, He designed salvation to be complete—triumphant living in this world, as well as in the one to come.  

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