
God leads Joshua to bring Israel into the promise land (Joshua 1-5:12)

AIM: Joshua listens and lives into the promise of God
Attributes of a Leader: Listens to God, Obeys God's instructions, Reminds others of God's Promise

Focus verse: "He did this so all the nations of the earth might know that the Lord’s hand is powerful, and so you might fear the Lord your God forever.” - Joshua 4:24

What stones remind of God's faithfulness? Gravestones, Mount Rushmore? Monuments remind us of the people who came before us. We ponder what it was like as we read of these fantastic events. It's interesting that even now we have this word and are still telling the story, we have the circumcision and the Passover is still celebrated. Seeing we have archaeology, and geographical evidence, maybe now you should consider these words and see what God may have for you today.

Joshua 1-5:12
A) Joshua listens to the Lord's will for his life and immediately obeys
1-4) After Moses death (Moses life is preserved by God for His eternal purpose), Lord spoke to Joshua-Lead Israelites across Jordan River, I'm giving them (Jordan to Lebanon mountains, Euphrates to the Mediterranean) south, north, east, west
5) No one able to stand against you as long as you live become Lord is with and won't leave you
 - 6) be strong and courageous - it's you who will lead them to possess my promised gift
7-8) Be strong and very courageous - success/prosperity = careful to obey Lord instruction, Moses gave, don't deviate, study continually, meditate day and night, obey everything
9) Lord Commands "Be strong and courageous!" not afraid or discouraged, LORD your God with you wherever you go
 - Principle: Personal relationship with God is the basis of being Strong and Courageous

10-11) Joshua commanded officers tell people to get ready 3 days will cross the Jordan and take possession of the land LORD your God is giving you
12-15) Joshua called together tribe of Reuben, Gad, half-tribe Manasseh: Remember Moses commanded about promised land (Moses life’s end is focused on God’s faithfulness to Israel)
16-18) They answered "We will do what you command, we will go where you send, obey you to the death, be Strong and Courageous!
 - Application: when we hear another person speak the words God speaks to us in private it's a confirmation. I liken this to a harmony of notes coming together and making a cord.

B) God's grace shown to Rahab's household via two spies
2:1) Joshua secretly sent two spies, scouts Jericho prostitute Rahab overnight
 - 2-3) Mole tells the king of Jericho about it, sent orders to Rahab bring out those men
4-7) Rahab hid them roof bundles of flax, lied they left out the city - they believed her
8-11) Rahab knew LORD gave this land, all are afraid, heard LORD made dry path the Red Sea from Egypt - no one will fight you because of LORD you God supreme God of heaven and earth
12-13) "swear by the Lord kindness, let me and family live when Jericho is conquered
14-16) they offer their lives, don't betray - we'll keep our promise when LORD gives us the land
 - Application: Hebrews 11:31, she had faith and put it into action James 2:25
 - 17-20) Follow these instructions: don't betray us, leave "this" scarlet rope from window everyone in the house is safe
 - 21) "I accept your terms" Rahab
22-24) spies return with news from Rahab, it's ours their terrified.

C) Preparation and personal holiness precedes ministry confirmation and miracles of new life
3:1-4) Early next morning left Acacia Grove, Jordan, camped three days giving instruction, Levitical priests-Ark of the Covenant of LORD you God follow them 1/2 mile distance, not closer
 - 5) purify yourselves, tomorrow LORD will do great wonders among you
 - 6) Morning, Joshua to priest "Lift up Ark, lead people across river"

 7) LORD told Joshua, "Today I will begin to make you a great leader in eyes of Israelites, they'll know I am with you like I was with Moses
 - 8) Command priests who carry Ark of the Covenant, few steps in Jordan then stop"

 9) Joshua says, "come and listen to what the LORD you God says
 - 10) Today you'll know living God among you, drive out Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites, and Jebusites ahead of you
 - 11) Look Ark of Covenant, belongs to Lord of whole earth will lead you across Jordan
 - 12-13) choose twelve men from each tribe of Israel (witnesses), priest will carry Ark of the LORD, when feet touch water flow will stop, river will stand like a wall

14-15) people left camp to cross the Jordan (expecting the miracle Joshua 3:5), harvest season, Jordan overflowing yet as soon as feet of priest touched water at rivers edge
 - 16) water above backed up to town of Adam, Zarethan water below to Dead Sea until riverbedwas dry - all crossed over near Jericho
 - 17) meanwhile priest who were carrying the Ark of the LORD's Covenant stood on dry ground in middle of riverbed as people passed by, waiting until whole nation of Israel crossed Jordan dry ground.
 - Illustration: gawker slow-down, no one had ever seen the Ark of the Covenant because it was always wrapped up during transport.

D) Stones, circumcision, and Passover to remember God is faithful to His promises
4:1-3) LORD said Joshua, "choose twelve from each tribe" take stones from middle of Jordan piled where you camp tonight"
 - 4-5) Joshua does it and adds 6-7) these stones memorial, future children will ask what it means
 - 8-9) They did as Joshua said, Joshua set another twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan
 - 10-11) priests where first in last out
 - 12-13) 40k armed warriors Reuben, Gad, 1/2 Manasseh led Isaraelites across Jordan as Moses directed, Lord was with them
 - 14) LORD made Joshua great leader in eyes of all for rest of his life, revered like Moses
15-18) LORD -> Joshua, "Command priest carrying AotC come out of riverbed" when they did, river flowed again
19-20) tenth day, first month, Gilgal east of Jericho, 12 stones
21-24) Joshua ->Israelites "future children will ask what it means, and you tell them what God did, split Red Sea-> then Jordan, so that all nations of earth might know that the LORD's hand is powerful and you might fear the LORD your God forever"
 - so you might know: Deut 4:34-36, no other 'god' take a nation for himself by trails, signs and wonders and war but by "mighty hand and an outstretched arm" - LORD is God, none beside him - His voice from heaven disciplines you, see His fire on earth you heard His words
 - God lets us know what's in our heart through trials (Deut 8:2-3), we live by his word (not bread alone)
 - Psalm 78:6, children not yet born might know, for His name sake (Psalm 106:8, 145:12), He declared the end from the beginning that we might know (Isaiah 41:26)
"that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" 1 Peter 2:9, Isaiah 60:1-15,16 - Then you will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior And your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.
 - Jer 33:3, ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’
5:1-8) everyone under the age of 40 is circumcised because they're fathers failed to do it
9) Lord -> Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the shame of your slavery in Egypt"
10-12) They celebrated Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month, No manna appeared on the day they first ate from the crops of the land, never seen again.
 - Priniciple LORD God supplies our needs when we follow his instruction to GO

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