
How do I know the Bible is true and Jesus is the only way?

How do I know the Bible is true?
 - Scripture is God Breathed, 2 Tim 3:16, 1 Peter 1:21
 - Jesus authenticates the scriptures (inspired by God) - Have you not read, it is written
 - The written word is important, just like a contract is important
Evidence that demands a verdict - Josh Mcdowell

How do I know Jesus is the only Way?
Acts 4:12 no other way,
John 14:6 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
6 Jesus *said to him, “I am (A)the way, and (B)the truth, and (C)the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

Cross references:
John 14:6 : John 10:9; Rom 5:2; Eph 2:18; Heb 10:20
John 14:6 : John 1:14
John 14:6 : John 1:4; 11:25; 1 John 5:20

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