
Beginners guide to daily Prayer and Bible reading (Eph 6:17-18)

"...take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion..." Eph 6:17-18
Words need definitions: Spirit, God, word of God
  • John 14-16 talks about the relationship between God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • The Bible old and new testament (covenant/promise) is the word of God written by men but inspired by the Holy Spirit. It's like a building we'd say "Donald Trump built that" but he didn't lay a brick, he was the inspiration for the building. Same way scripture is like this (2 Peter 1:21)
  • The Bible, the word of God is a love letter from God, it's valuable because it's from God. It tells us in history and poetry with wisdom; God's redemptive plan for humanity
Doing ALPHA at mntc.org. Heard these simple truths about Prayer:
  1. Keep it simple, talk to God and listen. 
  2. Keep it honest, God knows but still want to hear from us (God says, "why are you hiding?" Jer 16:17)
Remember this order: "Thank you, I'm Sorry, Please"

Simple daily Bible reading plan called "quiet time"
  1. 15 minutes a day (3 minute pray, 7 minutes read, 5 minutes journal) 
  2. Set a specific time, determine what you'll read (start with Matthew if your new)

That's all there is too it, any questions? What is the sword of the Spirit? Talk-to-God

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