
Prayer, Quiet Time, Envision the Future in Community

And though one may be overpowered, two can resist. Moreover, a cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Better is a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king who no longer knows how to take a warning. Ecclesiastes 4:12-13

I've had to resolve many issues, problems, that hindered me in the past. Knowing there is a problem is important and seeing the harm in myself, and relationships are also important. But the first thing you need is to give yourself to God and ask Him to shape you. Then you need a vision for where you are going, that's how you can see the issues, problems, hindrances. The way I overcame was to pray and listen to God via personal quiet time, journal, and finally ask for help for people you see as successful.

The fruit of SILENCE is Prayer
1) Pray to the Holy God, Creator, and Lord of the universe. He alone is God, all things are possible with Him, apart from him you can do nothing. All good gifts are from the Father of lights. Every knee will bow and tongue confess that He is Lord of all. - So pray authentically, conversationally a good format is "Sorry, Thank you, Please" or "WAR - Worship, Admit, Request" - When praying think about the scripture you've stored in your heart.
2) Journal your vision, if all goes well what will my character, relationships with family and friend and work life look like in 10 years. Then work back to what it can look like in 5 years, 3 years, 2 years, 1 year from now. 
3) Ask for help, get involved in diverse small groups - get out of your comfort zoon, build relationships where people know you and can see things in your life, talents that may be put to good use.

Now you probably need an example of how this came together for me right? While in rehab, I asked God to take my life and make it His, I believed He could restore me and asked him to shape me (#1). I had a vision of going back to school, exploring what I was good at (#2). Fast forward 2 years later, I landed "the job" - then after a month, was asked not to come back. WHY? I would have never known unless I had #3, I asked for advice which was to "be professional" in every aspect of my day. I thought, what the heck does that mean? Then I was flooded with examples in myself that were unprofessional that I could change right now. I came back 2 days later a "new man" and got another great job that lasted 2 years with 3 promotions. Hard to fathom that was over 20 years ago...

Thank you, God, for saving me and putting my feet on a firm foundation.

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