
Language reveals truth that saves lives (sets prisoners free to live righteously) - Luke 4:18

Isaiah 61:1-3;Luke 4:16-21; 2 Cor 1:1-11; 1 Peter 4:19
Jesus came proclaiming liberty, recovery our sight, and granting us freedom. While we suffering greatly we are comforted greatly. Our affliction is for the comfort and salvation of YOU - we don't hide this truth from you - we've despaired even of living another day, and know our time is short. Yet we've trusted in God who raises the dead and he delivered us here and now and will in the future. Jesus taught us to pray and prayer is something we can do right now to receive God's help in our time of need.

Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right. - 1 Peter 4:19

Luke 4:18 has some words that aren't in Isaiah 61:1, "recovery of sight to the blind" is nestled in between "To proclaim liberty to captives" and "And freedom to prisoners;"
 - Reminds me of being blind in a dark cold cave. Recovery of sight, description of sunlight, the warmth, and pointing the way out is how freedom is given to prisoners.
 - I was studying "History of color" from great courses. Recovery of sight has to do with language and definition. In cultures that don't have a word for "blue" when asked to draw the sky, they'll use black crayon even while the blue crayon is present.
 - 1 John 3:2 explains sight restoration: "Jesus Christ...we will see him as he really is."
 - Restoring sight to the blind is a huge theme in scriptures: (Matt 11:4-5 (NIV), Isaiah 35:5 (NIV), Isaiah 29:18 (NIV), Isaiah 42:6-7 (NIV), Isaiah 42:16 (NIV),  Psalm 146:8 (NIV),  Isaiah 6:9-10 (NIV),  Isaiah 42:18-20 (NIV),  Isaiah 44:9 (NIV), Isaiah 56:10 (NIV), Isaiah 59:9-10 (NIV)
 - Blessed will see God (Matt 5)

Isaiah 61:3
When we have clear vision, understanding it's a grant or gift, it's physically life-changing. Like oil is physical but gladness is an abstract idea. A mantle of praise is clothing ourselves in praise instead of a "spirit of fainting". All this results in being called "oak of righteousness" the "planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified". In a previous study I saw new context around this scripture:

Lord God is "clothed" in righteousness, bringing justice and salvation for his own

  • Isaiah 59:17; The Lord put on righteousness as his armor, wore the helmet of salvation and clothed himself with robe of vengeance and wrapped himself in a cloak of divine passion (to bring justice)
  • Isaiah 61:10; Overwhelming joy in the Lord God! He dressed me with clothing of salvation and a robe of righteousness
  • Isaiah 63:1-3 The Lord's clothing stained red, announcing your salvation - the Lord has power to save! (Revelation 19:13)

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