
Walking in light involves progressive humility and honesty (1 John 1:5-2:6)

Reading Wiersbe, Be Real (1 John): Turning from Hypocrisy to Truth (The BE Series Commentary).

Chapter two,Walking and Talking (1 John 1:5-2:6)
- Our enemy is sin (mentioned 9 times in these verses
God is light, sin is darkness
- Contrast between saying and doing (1 John 1:6,8,10;2:4)

As a child must learn to walk and overcome many difficulties, the Christian must learn to "walk in the light." The fundamental difficulty involved is a matter of sin.

Sin is more than outward disobedience, it's our affections, the desire of the heart, what we give attention to (1 John 2:16), it's lawlessness or independence from God (1 John 3:4, can two walk together except they agreed Amos 3:3).
  • Abraham in the hall of fame for faith (Heb 11), still didn't walk by faith perfectly. He went to Egypt and lied to Pharaoh (Gen 12), Help God by having a son with Hagar (Gen 16). God forgave Abraham this sin, but he didn't change the results. "No one can unscramble an egg."
  • Peter denied the Lord three times and tried to kill a man when Jesus was arrested. Satan is a liar and murderer (John 8:44) and Peter played into his hands, yet Christ forgave Peter (John 21).
  • The fact that Christians sin bothers some people - especially new Christians. We fight against sin (not with it) Gal 5:16-26). Sin in the life of a Christian is worse than sin in an unsaved person.

Our self-efforts are useless without the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:12-13), the Holy Spirit produces abundant fruit in our lives (Gal 5:22-23)
Three approaches to sin:

1. try to cover our sins with lies (others, self, God) (1 John 1:5-6,8,10;2:4)
- lies to make a favorable impression on others, but when light shines it reveals our true nature (Eph 5:8-13)
- lying to others leads to self-deception that can only be corrected by humble intervention by another person (like David and Nathan 2 Sam 11-12)
Diagnostics of Dishonesty (Bible, fellowship, prayer, worship, character)
- The first symptom of walking in darkness is a loss of blessing from the Bible (you can't see it anymore)
- lose of fellowship with God and with God's people (1 John 1:6-7). As a result, prayer becomes an empty form to him. Worship is a dull routine. He becomes critical of other Christians and starts staying away from church: "What communion hath light with darkness?" 2 Cor 6:14
 - Loss of character (1 John 2:4), the insincerity, lack of truthfulness is no longer a role, it's his essence of life. He's no longer a liar because he tells lies; he tells lies because he is a confirmed liar.

The real self is better than a false self of shallow, tasteless lies.
2. We can confess our sins (1 John 1:7,9)
Jesus Christ's propitiation overcomes darkness with light, hate with love (1 John 1:5, 4:8). The cross (1 John 4:10, Romans 3:23-26)
Jesus Christ advocates for those who trust in Him, gives us the Holy Spirit (John14:16, 26; 15:26)

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