
Know the Scripture and power of God (Matthew 22:29)

An interesting opportunity was brought to me on a few months ago, "would I be willing to sponsor an event with a transgender minister?" As with all questions, "it depends" was my heart response.

Our leadership team is watching a training series on Extraordinary-Life-Youre-Meant-Live. Having reviewed chapters 1-4, we were challenged to seek God's will in partnering with an LGBTQ team in bringing in a transgender minister. So this is my initial thoughts on how this might work.

Goals of the meeting:
1. Seek to understand the person, major life decisions and influences that brought those to bear.

  • Nature and Nurture, how does a desire turn into an identity or rule of life. We can have natural inclinations (nature) and then our thoughts, culture, and experiences seem to reinforce or deny that natural inclination.
  • How has receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior changed the way you see yourself?

2. Open the door for LGBTQ to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ

  • Your value to God is shown in the person of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. (Explain God is Holy apart from creation, He created everything and is Lord over all creation). 
  • God accepts us right now because Jesus removed the barrier that is between us and God, by taking our sin and shame on the cross. (model this with a visual of an insurmountable barrier between me and God and God lifting it off me and putting it on Jesus)
  • Because Jesus rose from the dead we can be confident that all the promises of God are true

  • Question to facilitate these goals.

    Key question:
    What was your identity before you became a Christian, how is God changing your identity now?

    Key to avoid error is to understand the scripture and the power of God (Matt 22:29)
    Diagnostics of a depraved psychology and consequences (Romans 1:18-32)

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