
Stephen's life demonstrates Christian living (Acts 6-7)

Yesterday President Trump was downtown Minneapolis and many went to protest and support. I've never had faith in politics but rather focus on what I can do, supporting people around me. I believe that sharing the good news about Jesus is the second best thing I can do for people, the first being to pray for them. In Acts 6-7 we see the faith of the early church playing out. They show us the criteria for leadership and tangible results from being full of faith and the Holy Spirit.

Stephen was a Hellenistic Jew, the twelve were Hebraic Jews. (Acts 6:1,3)
 - Stephen a foreigner, includes himself in Israel's history "our ancestors" (Acts 7:39)
Stephen did miracles and signs, but not an "apostle" or is an apostle simply a "messenger"
Stephen was a leader/teacher - agrees to the call to serve the widows daily distribution of food
Stephen declared the good news, fully showing knowledge and understanding - demonstrated wisdom
 - Stephen's life impacted Saul (later Paul) Acts 7:58

He demonstrated courage to face opposition (Acts 6:8-15), witness boldly (Acts 7:1-53 and pray for your enemies (Acts 7:54-60)

1-4) growing, the ethnically-diverse church needs help serving food
 - twelve with ALL disciples together
 - not right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God
 - "choose seven men from among you"
Criteria: full of the Spirit and wisdom

5-6) They chose Stephen, full of faith and Holy Spirit, grace and power, wonders and signs (Acts 6:8)
 - Stephen answered the call
 - Philip (Acts 8:5-13,26-40, 21:8 evangelist), Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas,
 - and Nicolas from Antioch (Acts 11:19, Rev 2:6,15), a convert to Judaism (Matthew 23:15).

7-10) God's word spread, rapid, obedient to the faith, Stephen full of God's grace/power, spoke wisdom
 - 11) Opposition, Synagogue of the Freedmen, secretly persuaded some to say "he spoke blasphemously"
 - 12-15) stirred up people, elders, teachers - produced false witnesses, against holy place, law, Moses

7:1-53) Stephen was recounting God's word given to Abraham - Moses - Joshua - David - Solomon, about Jesus. Warning people:
You stubborn people! You are heathen at heart and deaf to the truth. Must you forever resist the Holy Spirit? That’s what your ancestors did, and so do you! Acts 7:51
Take off your sandals and put on the Gospel of Peace

54-60) They killed Stephen, yet Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit...do not hold this sin against them."

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