
By Faith we receive all that God has for us (Hebrews 11)

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. - Hebrews 11:6

Hebrews 11-13
A) Faith enables a righteous living that pleases God
11:1-3) Faith shows reality of hope, evidence of unseen. Through faith earn good reputation. By faith understand entire universe formed by God's command, what we now see didn't come from anything that can be seen
4) By faith Abel's offering gave evidence he was righteous, God approved
5-6) By faith Enoch taken to heaven without dying, known as a person who pleased God. Without faith, God can't be pleased.
7) By faith Noah built a boat to save his family, He obeyed God who warned of things that never happened before - he condemned the world, received the righteousness that comes by faith
8-10) By faith Abraham obeyed God, left home he went not knowing where he was going - lived in tents, foreigner looking forward to an eternal city built by God
11-12) By faith Sarah believed God would keep his promise, an uncountable nation from one man who was good as dead.
13-16) Died still believing God's promise, saw from a distance and welcomed it, agreed on being foreigners, nomads, looking forward to the heavenly homeland - God is not ashamed to be called their God

B) Faith enables sacrifices and perseverance in the midst of impossible circumstances
17-19) By faith Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice to God, God was able to bring him back to life and Abraham did receive his son back
20-22) By faith Isaac promised blessing for his Jacob and Esau and blessed each of Joseph's sons and Joseph confidently said Israel would leave Egypt and take his bones.
23) By faith Moses parents hid him, not afraid to disobey king's command
24-27) By faith Moses refused luxury, chose to share the oppression of God's people instead of enjoying fleeting pleasures of sin. Better to suffer for Christ, looking ahead to his great reward, by faith moved forward kept eyes on the one who is invisible. 
28) By faith Moses commanded people to keep the Passover, sprinkle blood on doorpost so angle of death wouldn't kill firstborn
29) By faith people went through Red Sea on dry ground but Egyptians all drowned
30) Faith, people of Israel marched around Jericho seven days and the wall crashed down
31) Faith, Rahab prostitute not destroyed in her city who refused to obey God, gave friendly welcome to spys.
32-38) Everyone in the Bible is an example of faith that overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice, receiving God's promises, super natural help - their weakness turned to strength - tortured refusing to turn from God seeing the resurrection
29-40) earned good reputation becuase of their faith, yet none received all God promised, wanting to reach perfection with us

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