
In love to Christ when trails come: count, know, let, and ask (James 1:2-12)

Reading Be Mature,
Trails are what God uses to mature us and this is shown in patience and endurance (Rom 5:3-4). Patience is not passive, it is a courageous perseverance in the face of suffering and difficulty. Immature people are always impatient. "Be... followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises (Heb 6:12 also Heb 10:36)." God wants us to be patient because that is the key to every other blessing. When the believer learns to wait on the Lord, then God can do great things for him. Abraham ran ahead of the Lord, married Hagar and brought great sorrow on his home (Gen 16), Moses ran ahead of God, killed a man and spent 40 years learning patience (Ex 2:11), Peter almost killed a man in his impatience (John 18:10-11). Maturity comes when we:
1. Count - A Joyful Attitude (James 1:2): Outlook determines the outcome, and attitude determines action. God tells us to expect trials (John 16:33, Acts 14:22, 1 Peter 4:12) and to endure as Jesus did - with a joyful attitude (Heb 12:2). With the right outlook on trials we are made better, not bitter - like Job (Job 23:10).
2. Know - An Understanding Mind (James 1:3): Satan can defeat the ignorant believer, but he cannot overcome the Christian who knows his Bible and understands the purposes of God.
3. Let - A surrendered Will (James 1:4,9-12): God can't build our character without our cooperation. If we submit to Him, then He can accomplish His work, not a halfway job but perfect, mature, complete.
4. Ask - A Believing Heart (James 1:5-8): People James wrote to had problems with their praying (James 4:1-3;5:13-18). What should we pray about? Ask God for wisdom (James 1:5;3:13-18). Knowledge is the ability to take things apart, while wisdom is the ability to put them together. We need wisdom rather than strength, grace or deliverance for this reason: We need wisdom so we will not waste the opportunities God is giving us to mature. Ask in faith, it was doubt that made Peter sink (Matt 14:22-23).

All of these help us resist the temptation to doubt God and be blessed (James 1:12). This blessing is a great encouragement because it promises a crown to those who patiently endure trials. We do all these things from LOVE. We count with a joyful attitude because we love God. We know with an understanding mind because He loves us and has shared His truth with us, and we love him in return. We let our will surrender to Him because we love Him. Where there is love, there is surrender and faithful obedience. We ask with a believing heart because love and faith go together. When you love someone, you trust him, and you don't hesitate to ask him for help.

Love is the spiritual force behind the imperative James gave us. If we love God, we will have no problem counting, knowing, letting, and asking. Love keeps us faithful to the Lord.

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