
Job's friends show the danger of a shallow theology (Job 2-31)

Job 3-31
From Job 2:8, Job was full of boils and pain. Job 2:9, his wife didn't help. His friends didn't recognize him because he was wrecked, they grieved with him 7 days and nights in silence (Job 2:11-13).

Job then laments about his existence (Job 3:1-19), questions why God gives light and life to the miserable (Job 3:20-26).

Job's friends confuse a cry of pain with a cry of rebellion (Job 4:). They haSuffering is a punishment for sin, prosperity is the reward for righteousness. This is suffering is because he is godly not ungodly.
Job 22:5 - they think his evil is abundant.

22-31 (friends speeches)
That you could be silent (Job 16:2)

Job 21:4 - how then will you comfort me with empty nothings and falsehood.
It's hard to help suffering people without trying to say something with half baked answers. It's because we are uncomfortable with suffering.
 - Let go let God, turn that frown upside down
 - don['t insiuat you know why this is happening.

No Christian can avoid theology. Do we have a sound theology or a shallow theology.

It's shallow to expect faith without lament. Be wary of any teaching that says faith sheds no tears, expresses no pain... our faith says we have to content with "why" questions, we sorrow. Jesus was called a man of sorrows, he looked upon them and had compassion. He cried on the cross.
 - let people emote, emotion is energy in motion
 - grief is frightening to those watching it, so we want grief to stop.
 - Bible answers, "trite answers", "shallow answers" end up attacking the person who is grieving.
 - Rather be the Bible answers, let your silence be your wisdom. "God needed an angel (when someone dies)". Your never more safe than when your in God's will. "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" (minimizes persons pain).
 - Imbrace there is a mystery, you don't have it all figured out.
 - There is knowing God and suffering. It's shallow to look at suffering through any lens but the cross.
Job 9:33 - needs a mediator.

You will never understand suffering unless you see it through the lens of Jesus on cross. The enemy wants us to give up in suffering.

Job points us to Jesus
From Eyes that see, ears that hear and heart that understands

  • Job 13:1  “Look, I have seen all this with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, and now I understand. 

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