
Color Blessed, not Color Blind - Racism defies God

What is racism? Hating someone because of their race or thinking your race is superior to another. It mostly shows up as pre-justice based on a physical characteristic we can see. 
God didn't create racial separation, he created diversity. We need to examine our words. When we lump people into a category as less valuable or more valuable -  we are practicing racism. When we lump people into a category as less evil (boys will be boys) or more evil (thugs). We become racist when we allow a few people to influence what we believe about a group of people. 

1. Racism is evil
Romans 12:9, Love people without hypocrisy, hate what is evil
2. Racism is pure self-righteousness
Luke 18:11 - believing you are better than others
3. Racism violates the great commission
Matt 28:19 - all nations, ethnicities
4. Racism violates the great commandment
John 13:34 - Love one another, By this, all people will know we are Jesus
5. Racism questions God's creation
Acts 17:26 - "And He has made from one blood every nation."
6. Racism questions God's plan
Rev 5:9, redeemed us out of every ethnic group
7. Racism questions (defies) God
John 3:16 - God so loved the world
Acts 13:1 shows Black, Jew, and gentile working together.
Bible forbids inter-faith marriage - not inter-racial. 

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